
About MásNegocio   |    Offering Software as a Service since 2000.

Since the year 2000, MásNegocio was the first business in Latin America to offer applications from an Outsourcing model (also known as Software as a Service (SaaS)), offering the highest levels of service and security.  The operation of on-demand applications has enabled us to offer cloud services for years, allowing our customers to access the newest, most up-to-date technologies without incurring in investments and recurring costs.


Provide the top business application technological services using innovative renting schemes that allow our customers to make efficient use of their resources to become more competitive.


Consolidate as the number one firm in Latin America on the provision of top business application technological services using a renting scheme and offering high-quality levels of service to the final user.



To find ways to improve the services we offer each day


High sense of urgency

Promote pro-activity instead of reactivity



Towards our co-workers, clients, and our team.


Loyalty & empathy

Respect and Cordiality towards co-workers, clients, and our team.
Teamwork and Shared Responsibility:  To find ways to improve the services we offer each day.



The Best Mexican Businesses:  Voted as one of the Best Mexican Businesses for the 4th consecutive year.


Analyze the Future:  According to the 2012 vs. 2011 statistics published by International Data Corporation, MásNegocio was ranked first in Hosted Application Management at a national level


Socially Responsible Enterprise:  MásNegocio has been awarded this distinctive by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (CEMEFI) and the Mexican Alliance for Corporate Social Responsibility for the second year in a row.  This SRE 2012 award to MásNegocio is the result of an evaluation of different indicators on the quality of life, business ethics, community links, and the care and preservation of the environment


MásNegocio is certified in ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission), which supports us as a company with the necessary resources to provide an IT service with quality; aligned to the clients’ business model and with added value.


In 2011, MásNegocio was certified as a PAC (Provider of Authorized Certification) to provide a better service as an invoice supplier issuing CFDi in accordance with current legislation


The founders of MásNegocio were recognized by Ernst & Young in the Businesses in Expansion category.


Named one of the Best Mexican Businesses for the 4th year in a row.